Growing up, I didn’t have a safe place. I grew up in an emotionally abusive household, and I didn’t fit in at school. I was a sensitive, creative, and intuitive child, and without a place to recharge, to feel safe or loved, I felt like a raw, exposed nerve in the world. On especially hard days, I remember crying and saying over and over, “I just want to go home,” even though I didn’t know what that home was.
And then something miraculous happened. I started dreaming I was in a white room. There were no windows, or doors. Just me. In this room, I felt like I was made of light. Every cell in my body was made of light, and I felt the white room cradling me, giving me the sense of safety and love I so desperately needed out in the world but couldn’t find.
After dreaming of this white room often enough, I started craving this safe space when I was awake too. So I would close my eyes and imagine it when I was alone. The more time I spent there, the more I felt like I could uncurl myself from the fetal position my spirit had been in all my life. In this room, my sensitive heart was held, nurtured, and celebrated. My creative spirit could express itself as loudly and weirdly as it wanted. And the voice of my soul could be clearly heard .
It was in this white room that I began to recover and nourish all the parts of myself that felt rejected and unsafe out in the world. And the more I relied on this room, the more it responded to me. I found that I could ask for solutions to a problem, and it would show me solutions.
What I’ve come to realize is that the White Room first appeared to me after I’d cried out that I wanted to go home. And the White Room appeared, first as a safe space, and then as a way for me to discover all the ways I could come home to myself. It gave me a place to hear my tender heart, and my creative spirit, and my deep inner knowing. It gave me a place to practice bravely stretching out as my fully sensitive, creative, intuitive self.
And then it helped me bring those gifts out into the world.
And that is the gift I want to share with you now: your own White Room, so you can practice the rituals that invite your entire self to be present, so you can be as big and expansive as you’ve always wanted to be, so you can begin to feel, understand, and voice exactly what it is that you need in order to call yourself h.